Behold my Beholder

So I’m not much for painting Dungeons and Dragons figures these days but I really like the Wizkids line of pre-primed minis for D&D, there are of a good quality plastic rubber mix some what ridged but still flexible! Plus it’s nice to be able to open one up and just start painting! Something I have been missing in My GW model kits I am a little annoyed about GW’s new approach to model kits, are to many pieces and options it took me 2 weeks to get just one Adeptus Titanicus Warlord titan assembled and base coated! This took me just 3 hours rounded up, to paint from pulling it out of the package!

I was inspired by a photo of a burning log for this paint scheme and went with cool colours for the eyes to give a nice contrast from the body’s colour.

What also impressed me was how well it took to watered down GW paints the base coat whet on very quickly, think it was less the 10 minutes! I like using a wet pallet to get the best paint consistence so I have better control over where the paint can go.

Here are some in progress photos so you can see it with out the eyes and main eye Veins and shadowing!

Not sure if anyone will be that keen on a brightly painted Beholder but I like it! 😀

Any way thank you for checking him out leave a like if you dig him! 😉

And I’ll see you in the wasteland!

About vongutenboom

I am Crazy about table top war games! I love the hobby aspect of the table top war game and the infinite worlds I can create and escape too.
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11 Responses to Behold my Beholder

  1. markusxl says:

    Great work ‘Boom! It’s cheering me up seeing your hobby works! 🙂


  2. Faust says:

    How can someone not love a painted Beholder?!

    Really nice work, I’m guessing you glazed the red on after the base? I have a couple of the ready-to-paint heroes, but I haven’t gotten around to them yet. The idea of already primed minis is super appealing. I’m not always fond of all the assembly work that GW models require, but I do like being able to paint things in sub-assembly instead of trying to force paint into areas I can’t reach. Also, the multi-part format allows them to create really dynamic models that have the benefit of being customizable. Pluses and minuses, for sure.


    • vongutenboom says:

      Thank you Faust glad you like him! And the red was the last colour to go on the Beholders body, I did the Averland Sun yellow base first the stepped it up with a bright orange then the dark orange then the red so that it looks like gradient shift from light to dark.
      The red is sitting on top of two orange colours so that the red could go on in a thin coat and would look opaque not show through with or look washed out! 🙂 and I do agree I like my GW minis and I like to do dynamic positions but the time spend building minis seems to take away more time from my painting which I enjoy more then the hobbyists aspect, don’t get me wrong sometimes I’m in the mood to convert a lot of minis but it just seems like I am doing that more than painting these days I have a lot of minis just waiting for when I have time to put brush to paint! ;P now if GW can just slow there tits on down to a more reasonable release rate I could do all the games I want and not fall so far be hind I haven’t even touched my AoS starter box or Maligned Sorcery endlessly spell models yet but I am going to try to paint more this year! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Faust says:

        Yea, I hear ya. I’m still pretty new to multipart minis, only really having started into them with GW’s rerelease of Blood Bowl. Some have been ‘ok’, but some of the Necromunda ones were more of a pain to put together. I have enough minis primed to keep me busy for awhile, but I imagine I’ll be swearing next time I have to start assembling a whole lot once again. I try to break up assembling, painting, etc as I can, so it’s not too aggravating.

        Liked by 1 person

      • vongutenboom says:

        Yeah same here I bought all the released Necromunda Gangs so far and I’ve only managed to get two gangs done! Since the release of Necromunda! I got a few of the bounty hunters done I will most likely post them this week as there almost done and I will be less embarrassed if there fully painted when I post them 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Faust says:

        Oh nice, would like to see those. I’ve got all the new BB teams to date, and a few proxies. All the new Necromunda gangs, picking up 2 boxes of Cawdor, because they seem like Zergs. Paint-wise, 6 Goliath and 1 Van Saar done. I might have the whole Blood Bowl Dwarf team done by Christmas though! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • vongutenboom says:

        Nice it sounds like you have a lot to work on too Haha 😆 yea I’m painting right now as I’m chatting with you , im paining my ‘Hangers On’ for the Necromunda league I’m playing I need to have one Bounty Hunter and a Hanger On done before next Wednesday’s game! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Faust says:

        Oh, cool. How many in your league? Which gang are you playing?


      • vongutenboom says:

        There are only a couple of us but we’re are all diehard fans of Necromunda we all have been playing Necromunda from the original game release in 1995 so most of us still have our original gangs but we like playing with the new plastic the tend to stand better on uneven terrain 😉 my first Gangs was Esher and Orlocks go figure the only gangs I have assembled of the new ones is also the Esher and orlocks 🙂 witch if you look at my old Necromunda posts you can see my Esher and Orlocks but I have been holding off on close ups until I get the highlighting and shading done on both gangs!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Faust says:

        I’ll have to check those out. I’ve heard about Necromunda forever, but it was after the game was out of print, and kinda hard to find for someone in the US. I also didn’t have anyone to play with during that time. I’m still not sure if I will ever have more than 2 of us playing the new Necromunda, but didn’t want to miss the opportunity.

        Liked by 1 person

      • vongutenboom says:

        So I just posted a new Necromunda post of my last game if your interested in Necromunda! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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